Monday, November 27, 2006

Ted Haggard's Thanksgiving
By Deborah Anderson - The Vashon Loop

It was a tough call at election time whether Ted Haggard’s gay affairs or Sadaam’s death sentence were going to be the pop culture swing vote. I feel really sorry for poor old Ted.

Really I do.

For those of you who see yet another Christian clergy taking a dive on walking the walk as the excuse to bow out of being a part of a faith community, let me let you in on
a secret. Clergy sexual misconduct is as common as kids learning to ride a bike. If the protestant church ever truly reveals it’s occurrence, it’s going to make those Catholic priests with their little boys look like teacher of the year. Really.
There was a time when I thought if I’d heard one more minister confess his insincerity in service or sexual addiction, I was
going to encourage everyone to play golf on Sunday. It’s just so annoying. I mean, for heaven’s sake, Grace is one of the all time gifts of eternity. Why on earth would a person spend all that time in church meetings and never actually get to enjoy the privilege of the freedom, peace, joy, love and sheer fun and adventure that comes from walking the Christian walk?
Actually, there’s a very important study that was done that showed that most pastors were not in the ministry because
of God, but because they enjoyed being worshipped. They weren’t very good at social intimacy and being a pastor gave them the distance from that little skill they needed. So what?

So, pastors’ screwing up (pun intended) is no reason to
ignore God and all the blessings God bequeaths us. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is silly. Rabbis and Imams are just as human. In fact, God’s biggest challenge has been getting the message of love and forgiveness to the laity despite the fact that some of his highest profile ambassadors are really bad at representing God’s message.

As you push back from the Thanksgiving groaning board and prepare for the race to the New Year, may I make one suggestion (Why , of course, Deborah. Please do. I heard you say)?

Make this the season you rediscover God. Knowing you are loved by God is the best present anyone can receive. We celebrate two great truths about God in the next six weeks. First of all, that God will always protect us and supply our needs. If you’re in a time when you doubt that truth, look for the eight days worth of oil in your life.
Secondly, you don’t have to do a thing about earning God’s love. It’s a free gift. All you have to do is acknowledge it. Say yes to being in a relationship with God. That’s the starting point. This season is a time of faith renewal. Share the love God has poured on you with others. Pray for those who stumble. Ignore those who would take you out of God’s love and care. Take time each day to deepen the faith you have.

And to start with, Happy Thanksgiving.

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Tim Gilman 5338 Sparta Loop, SE Salem, Oregon 97306 USA